Popcorn sales are the primary fundraiser event for our Pack and reduce the cost of Scouting to Scouts that participate. Not only that, selling popcorn teaches Scouts the value and process of setting and working toward goals, gives Scouts a strong sense of accomplishment, and improves a Scout's communication, leadership skills, and confidence.
Ways to sell
Order sheet
Order sheet sales are the traditional form of scout popcorn sales. The scout, along with a parent or buddy, takes the order sheet door to door and asks neighbors to support Cub Scouts by purchasing popcorn. This can be done along with the Take and Sell. The customer places the order of popcorn with the scout. The scout turns in their order form to the Pack 553 Popcorn Kernel (popcornkernel@pack553.net) when due. Pack 553 places the order with the council. When the popcorn is delivered to the Pack, the scout will pick up the popcorn and take it to the customer.
Take & sell
Each individual scout will purchase the amount of popcorn (TAKE) he/she would like to sell (AND SELL) around their neighborhood or to local friends and family. Scouts will sell the product immediately to the customer without the need to follow-up. This can be used in conjunction with the order sheet.
Support our Troops military sales
Customers can purchase popcorn that will be sent to military servicemen and women overseas. This is an easy sell with no follow-up needed. These are great items to sell to long-distance friends and relatives.
Show & Sell
Show and Sell is when your scout shows up to sell popcorn as a group at a specific location like Winn Dixie or Bass Pro Shops. Three enthusiastic scouts are needed for each shift. During popcorn season, the Popcorn Kernel will send information on dates, times, and locations so that Scouts can sign up for shifts.
Online sales
Each scout can invite friends and relatives from across the country to purchase popcorn online at www.trails-end.com to be delivered straight to their home (customer will pay shipping costs). Each Scout creates a Trail's End account and sets up their own personalized online sales page.
The Trail's End app is easiest way for Scouts to record and track real-time storefront, wagon, and online sales, accept cash and credit cards, track inventory, and sign up for storefront shifts. Download the app for iPhone and Android.
Tips for a Successful Show & Sell
We all want to "Do Our Best" at the Show and Sells, since not only are we earning money to support our Pack, we are representing our Pack and Scouting to our community. Below are some guidelines to ensure that every Show and Sell is a success.
1. Know your product.
Before the Show and Sell, review the popcorn brochure with your Scout to familiarize him/her with the products to be sold. The Scout should know the name and price of each item, as well as the flavor (sweet, salty, cheesy, etc.) Having the Scout choose their favorite flavor is recommended because customers often ask!
2. Look the part.
Scouts are required to wear their field uniform (button down shirt) to Show and Sells. Scouts should be clean, neat and tidy; face washed, shirt tucked in, neckerchief and slide worn properly. Before arriving for their scheduled shift, Scouts should have a drink and a snack, and visit the bathroom. Scouts are NOT allowed to eat at Show and Sells. They may have a bottle of water or Gatorade, but no sodas or sugary drinks. Drinks will be kept behind the table.
3. Greet customers.
We have found over the years that using this standard approach is very effective, and we request that all Scouts at a Show and Sell use the same words. Please help your Scout learn the following approach:
“Excuse me Sir/Ma’am! I’m a Cub Scout with Pack 553, and we're selling popcorn to help raise money for our pack. You can help us by trying some of our DELICIOUS popcorn! You'll help us, won't you? ” (nodding head and smiling)
This is the phrase the Scout will use to approach customers and invite them to the popcorn sales table. Let your Scout know that a lot of people will say No, but that a lot will say Yes! Encourage your Scout to keep trying and not be discouraged.
4. Donations – Can We, or Can’t We?
We are not allowed to solicit donations; it is expressly forbidden in our Charter. However, we ARE allowed to accept donations, if offered. What this means to your Scout: Scouts are absolutely not allowed to hold a bucket out at the doors of a store. If a customer says, “I’d like to support Scouting, but I don’t want to buy any popcorn. Can I just give you a few dollars instead?” the Scout may accept the donation and thank the customer for supporting Scouting. A Scout may NOT request a donation at any time.
5. Handling Money
Money will be kept by the adults behind the table. We will have a small empty popcorn tin for the Scouts to place collected money in as they make sales. Periodically, an adult leader will remove all large bills from the tin and place in a money bag, leaving only enough money in the tin to make change. If any donations are offered, they will be placed in the tin as well, and then transferred to the money bag.
6. Say "Thank You!"
After a customer purchases popcorn, the Scout should thank the customer by saying, “Thank you for supporting Cub Scouts!” If a customer speaks with the Scout but does not purchase anything, the Scout should say, “Thank you for your time.” It’s important to be friendly and polite!